A live, group coaching programme
Give yourself the time and space to start owning your habits with Weave, a group coaching programme. 1-hour weekly group coaching calls over 6 weeks
Decide who you want to be and how you want to feel
Elevate your awareness around your current habits and how they are serving you
Decide on who you want to be and how you want to feel in the future
Create long-lasting habits that are meaningful to your life
Create new possibilities and decide on the habits that will make the biggest difference to you
Unlock your motivation and energy to start and continue new habits
Design environments for success
Optimise and elevate your new habits
Role-model your habits to your family
Connect with like-minded women
Connect each week over GoogleMeet every week for six weeks
Support each other through group activities
Access to a Whatt's App group
Weave is for you if:
You want to feel more energised and motivated
You care about your long-term health and wellbeing
You want to role-model healthy habits to your children and family, helping them develop lifelong healthy habits
You want to be more aware of your current habits and how you can elevate them
You want ideas and practical tips on how to weave healthy and achievable habits into your everyday life
You want to be more intentional about your habits and need to give yourself the space, time, and permission to work out how you will start and continue new habits
You are looking for a community of like-minded women who will support you, and help keep you accountable
You want to find more time for the things that bring you joy

Register now to join
The next group will be meeting every Wednesday from 12pm to 1pm over Google Meet, starting on 21st February and running through to 27th March.
Spaces are limited to 12 people.
To request a place, please register your interest by completing the form below.

Meet Kathryn
I'm Kathryn, a certified transformational coach, workshop facilitator, and mum of two small children. I’m passionate about empowering women to craft a career and life they love.
Through one-to-one coaching and workshop facilitation, I help women who are looking to make a change to increase their awareness, gain clarity on what they want, develop new perspectives and possibilities, realise their potential, and make decisions to take action with confidence.
As a mother, I understand the desire to have a fulfilling career with a work-life balance that fits around a family. With a background in leadership and marketing roles in the corporate world and as a qualified coach and experienced Personal Development workshop facilitator for Henley Business School, I'm passionate about empowering others to live happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. With a Diploma in Transformational Coaching and a Certificate in Positive Psychology, the processes I use draw on a plethora of resources and will be tailored to your specific needs.
I offer one-to-one career success and life design coaching and facilitate personal development workshops. I follow the ICF coaching code of ethics.
Based in the UK, I have worked and lived in both the UK and across Asia Pacific.
When I'm not coaching, I love spending time with my family and enjoy yoga, paddle boarding, and exploring new places.
My professional credentials include:
ICF, EMCC & AC certified Diploma in Transformational Coaching from Animas Centre for Coaching.
Certificate in Positive Psychology from Animas Centre for Coaching.
Working for Henley Business School, facilitating 'Personal Development Module' workshops for their Senior Leader Apprenticeship Programme for Future Leaders.
BSc. Degree in Biochemistry (2:1 Hons.). I chose Biochemistry due to my underlying curiosity about life.
CIM Professional Diploma in Marketing.
Completion of the '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' course
Over 12 years of experience working for corporates with a coaching culture, working in senior roles, being part of the Senior Leadership Team and leading several cross-functional project teams.
Participation in company Leadership Development Programmes.
My life experience includes:
Working across several locations and cultures including the UK, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Relocating to Australia and living there for 7 years.
Relocating back to the UK.
Having two small children.
How I would describe myself:
As well as being highly perceptive, I am always curious for new ideas and insights and this allows me to ask relevant questions to challenge your thinking to help open up new possibilities. I aim to do this in an inspiring, empathetic, and engaging way. I would describe myself as an optimistic realist and am fascinated by the power of positive psychology.
How my clients describe me:
“Kathryn is authentic in her passion for helping you develop and conducts herself in an intelligent, humorous, and optimistic manner.”
“I was so impressed with Kathryn's professional but approachable attitude.”
“Kathryn is an attentive listener and asks pertinent questions to get you thinking. I particularly like Kathryn’s action-orientated style meaning that things actually happen.”
“Kathryn is empowering, compassionate, and wise. She has helped me believe in myself and my projects and owning my path.”
My coaching story:
K White Coaching was born from my desire to empower women to own their paths with confidence and to live a fulfilled, balanced, and happy life. It all started when I was introduced to the power of coaching in the corporate world over 10 years ago, but it wasn’t until I took a break from my marketing career to have my two children that I realised I wanted to make a career out of empowering others to craft a career and life they love.
After having children, my values changed and what I wanted from my career and from life was different. To understand what career path would best suit my values, strengths, experience and lifestyle, I undertook some career coaching myself and it was then that I decided to requalify as a certified coach and set-up K White Coaching.
Whilst qualifying for my diploma, I coached many people from different walks of life, and it was the mothers who gained a renewed sense of focus and confidence who inspired me the most.
Crafting a life I love...
As well as empowering women through coaching, for me, crafting a life I love is about the intentional use of my time, focus and energy. I love spending time and sharing experiences with my family and friends, including activities in nature, visiting new places, cooking, and exploring new places. I believe in the power of a morning routine, and I enjoy practicing yoga and meditation.
Let’s meet
If you would like support in helping to own your path and your habits, register now.